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Private Lock APK

Private Lock APK

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Private Lock APK2 Private Lock APK1

3.9/5 - (7 votes)

If you use your personal information for malicious purposes, such as fraud. Bank document fraud. Currently there is no data protection, everyone checks other people’s photos, videos, personal documents and other information. Information security is essential to the success of your business. A professional private lock that can be used every day.

The privacy of photos, videos, audio and other confidential documents is important to everyone. It is possible that your phone is checked by your friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife and boss so everyone has to hide their secret photos and videos and you can protect your data with Private Lock Apk . That’s enough.

SMS Lock, WhatsApp Lock, Facebook Lock, Line Lock, Snapchat Lock, Instagram Lock, WeChat Lock and other chat apps. Make sure your information is not visible. A private lock is used for everyday applications.

Private App Lock has various features like graphics, PIN, time password, fingerprint, random keypad, etc. to secure passwords and protect them from privacy leaks. Small memory footprint, Chat Privacy Lock is less than 5MB, saves more memory and space than any other app

Private Lock APK Download Free For Android


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