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Totala komandanto 2.62

Totala komandanto 2.62

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Totala Komandanto v2.62

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Totala Komandanto v2.62

* Configurable button bar to change directory , internal controls, launching applications , and sending shell commands
* Copy, Move whole directories under *
* Rename, create directories
* Delete ( no recycle bin)
* Zipo kaj malkomprenu, malraŭte
* Properties dialog box , change the permissions
* Integrita teksta redaktilo
* Search function (also for the content )
* Elektu / malelektas grupojn de dosieroj
* Select files by pressing icons
* List installed applications (integrated plugin)
* FTP Client ( plugin)
* WebDAV ( Web Folders ) ( plugin)
* Access LAN LAN ( plugin

Por Pliaj Informoj Google Play

Apogita Android
{1.5 kaj UP}
Apogita Android-Versio: -
Eclair (2.0, 2.1) - Froyo (2.2–2.2.3) - Zingibro (2.3–2.3.7) - Mielo (3.0–3.2.6) - Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4) - Jelly Bean (4.1– 4.3.1) - KitKat (4.4–4.4.4) - Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2) aŭ UP

Download Total Commander 2.62 APK For Android

Total Commander v2.62.apk

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