Pugna Meter Deaura Pro 4.0.1

Pugna Meter Deaura Pro 4.0.1

4.2/5 - (4 votes) ;

4.2/5 - (4 votes) ;

The battery meter overlay always displays the battery percentage at the top of the screen. With the battery meter overlay, you can see if your battery is charged enough to play a game, movie, or browse the web.
* Displays battery information in percent (%)
* Displays the battery meter above other applications
* Support themes for counter colors and backgrounds
* Show / hide control notifications
* Overlap at the top of the status bar
* Display the counter on the lock screen with notification
fulcitur Android
Et usque {4.2}
Fulcitur Android Version:-
Gelata Bean (4.1-4.3.1) - KitKat (4.4-4.4.4) - Lolli (5.0-5.0.2) - IBISCUM (6.0 - 6.0.1) - Nougat (7.0 - 7.1.1) - Oreo (8.0- 8.1) - Pie (9.0)

Download Battery Meter Overlay Pro 4.0.1 APK For Android


Additional Information

Developer: Soboku Apps

Version: 4.0.1

Google Play: Fabula Store

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