Truth or Dare 10.1.5 Mod atrakintas

Truth or Dare 10.1.5 Mod atrakintas

Įvertinti šį pranešimą

Įvertinti šį pranešimą

Truth or Dare – the famous game for having fun with friends. He has a lot of questions and tasks that will make even the most resilient person blush. At the beginning, the necessary steps to determine the number of participants and write their names. Also, the players will be able to change the subject of the questions, because there are some rather embarrassing things. All of this will help to know the innermost secrets of friends or a soul mate that will likely take communication and relationships to a new level.

Palaikoma „Android“
{4.0 ir UP}
Palaikoma „Android“ versija:-
Želė pupelės (4.1–4.3.1) – KitKat (4.4–4.4.4) – Ledinukas (5.0–5.0.2) – Zefyras (6.0–6.0.1) – Nuga (7.0–7.1.1) – Oreo (8.0– 8.1) – pyragas (9.0)

Download Truth or Dare 10.1.5 Mod unlocked APK For Android

truth-or-dare-10.1.5-mod.apk [7.1mb]

Papildoma informacija

Programuotojas : „nixGames“

Versija: 10.1.5

Google Play : Zaidimu parduotuve

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