QR कोड स्कॅन MOD APK प्रीमियम अनलॉक केले

QR कोड स्कॅन MOD APK प्रीमियम अनलॉक केले

2/5 - (1 मत)

2/5 - (1 मत)

Our app’s QR code generator and barcode scanner works perfectly with any code. Our app can easily generate and scan any type of QR code or barcode in any format, making it accessible to everyone. Our app eliminates all the hassle of code format restrictions with this feature. Do you want to distribute your QR codes? The QR code maker app included in our app gives you complete freedom by allowing you to create and distribute codes in different formats. There are no restrictions on how you can distribute your codes, making them suitable for private and professional use. Easily distribute your code to a wide audience.

समर्थित Android
4.0 XNUMX आणि उत्तर प्रदेश}
समर्थित Android आवृत्ती:-
जेली बीन (४.१–४.३.१)- किटकॅट (४.४–४.४.४)- लॉलीपॉप (५.०–५.०.२) – मार्शमॅलो (६.० – ६.०.१) – नौगट (७.० – ७.१.१) – ओरिओ (८.०- 4.1) – पाई (4.3.1) – Android 4.4 – Android 4.4.4

Download QR Code Scan MOD APK Premium Unlocked APK For Android


अधिक माहिती

विकसक: झिपोअॅप्स

आवृत्ती: 1.0

गुगल प्ले : PlayStore

गेल्या आठवड्यात लोकप्रिय