ListNote Pro Notepad 8.82

ListNote Pro Notepad 8.82

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ListNote Pro Notepad v8.82

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ListNote Pro Notepad v8.82

+ Integration of Google Cloud Print
Lumpuhkan iklan
+ Home Screen Widgets ( to quickly add notes of the speech and voice research notes )
Tailor -Share Category: You can change the text separator between the notes , and you can display the numbers in front of each note.

Untuk maklumat lanjut Google Play

Android yang disokong
{2.3.3 dan UP}
Versi Android yang Disokong: -
Gingerbread (2.3.3-2.3.7) - Honeycomb (3.0-3.2.6) - Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0-4.0.4) - Jelly Bean (4.1-4.3.1) - KitKat (4.4-4.4.4) - Lollipop ( 5.0-5.0.2) atau UP

Download ListNote Pro Notepad 8.82 APK For Android


ListNote Pro Notepad v8.82.apk

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Google Play: Gedung Play

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