Siftr Magic Cleaner 1.9

Siftr Magic Cleaner 1.9

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Siftr Magic Cleaner v1.9

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Siftr Magic Cleaner v1.9

Invite him into your phone and watch as it finds all those unwanted pictures accumulate and take up space in your phone. He knows what is important to you and what is garbage . It will intelligently separate the two so you can just remove all waste in a single tap.
It does not take more than a few seconds to scan all your photos . So instead of spending hours and hours manually remove this junk , you can now leave this job to Dr. Kleen , and go out and do something more interesting and meaningful in life 🙂

Untuk maklumat lanjut Google Play

Android yang disokong
{4.0.3 dan UP}
Versi Android yang Disokong: -
Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3-4.0.4) - Jelly Bean (4.1-4.3.1) - KitKat (4.4-4.4.4) - Lollipop (5.0-5.0.2) atau UP

Download Siftr Magic Cleaner 1.9 APK For Android


 Magic Cleaner for WhatsApp v1.9.apk

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Google Play: Gedung Play

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