Human Hunter 0.2.4 MOD APK لا محدود سڪا

Human Hunter 0.2.4 MOD APK لا محدود سڪا

هن عهدي درجه بندي

هن عهدي درجه بندي

It’s not just the players who make Human Hunter interesting; The game’s sturdy villagers are also essential to the game’s success. These ordinary rural people are not helpless at all. Each confrontation is a fierce test of strength and cunning as they draw their weapons and are ready to do battle. The ingenuity of the locals will keep you on your guard as they have prepared for battle with everything from strong shields that deflect your strikes to sharp wooden stakes that can pierce the toughest hides. The villagers’ dogged determination to defend their community makes for an engaging fight that keeps the game fresh and interesting.

حمايت ٿيل Android
{4.0 ۽ UP}
اسپيڊ موڊيڪل ورجن:-
جيلي بين (4.1–4.3.1) – کٽ ڪيٽ (4.4–4.4.4) – لوليپپ (5.0–5.0.2) – مارشميلو (6.0 – 6.0.1) – نوگٽ (7.0 – 7.1.1) – Oreo (8.0- 8.1) - پائي (9.0) - Android 10 - Android 11

Download Human Hunter 0.2.4 MOD APK Unlimited Coins APK For Android


اضافي معلومات

ٺاهيندڙ ياسو ڪورپ

نسخ: 0.2.1

Google Play: پلي اسٽور

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