Фамили Лоцатор 6.16.5 МОД АПК Премиум откључан

Фамили Лоцатор 6.16.5 МОД АПК Премиум откључан

4/5 - (6 гласа)

4/5 - (6 гласа)

Family Locator will be an app that can help your family know each other’s location on a specific map all the time to keep everyone safe. To perform the above features, the phone’s GPS will be one of the extremely useful tools to help the app pinpoint the most accurate location. The GPS location of phone devices will be constantly updated with the app system and can be shared with family members very quickly. Moreover, the GPS feature will be able to help everyone easily track their phone in many possible cases. One of the most common cases is dropping your phone on the go, and thanks to GPS integration with the app, you’ll be able to find them as quickly as possible.

Подржани Андроид
{4.0 и УП}
Подржана Андроид верзија:-
Јелли Беан (4.1–4.3.1)- КитКат (4.4–4.4.4)- Лизалица (5.0–5.0.2) – Марсхмаллов (6.0 – 6.0.1) – Нугат (7.0 – 7.1.1) – Орео (8.0- 8.1) – Пие (9.0) – Андроид 10 – Андроид 11

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verzija: 6.7.3

Гоогле Плаи: ПлаиСторе

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